Our first stop was Le Panier for macarons. How does one go to Pike Place and NOT pick up macarons?! I got mostly pistachio because they're my ultimate favorite. Of course there's the famous (or is it just in my mind?) fresh cut flowers! $1/stem for the tulips. I'm not much of a flower person, and I think I mentioned this before on here, but they're starting to grow on me. I don't like roses though. They're so ugly to me haha. The people making the flower arrangements were such pros putting them together with such a graceful ease. We walked around to look for something good to eat and while doing that we saw Ellenos greek yogurt and I had to stop and try it. We saw the gum wall, and it was my first time seeing it since all the gum had been completely removed so it looked a bit naked, despite everyones efforts of trying to fill it back up. Finally, we found a sandwich spot and saw on the menu a King Crab roll and we were sold. Cayden was asleep this whole time in the Solly Baby wrap so he missed out on this whole outing and ultimately the crab roll. Sucks for him! Then we went to Kerry Park to see a view of Seattle and took Cayden to the little play area with a big slide. That was pretty much our day. I just wanted to share some photos. It feels so good to get behind the camera again, even if I'm just taking a few snapshots here and there.
Half chai, half marion berry.
Beautiful king crab roll!
His shirt is from Tribe Is Alive who we are lucky to be brand enthusiasts for!
Here's a screenshot from snapchat of the slide at the park.
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