Other than photos, videos are really the only other way to capture moments and growing up my family took a looot of videos of all the kids in our family. I should probably find a way to convert those old vhs tapes to dvd format sometime soon. They're fun to look back on and I want Cayden to have that too.When I was pregnant, I was looking up a Tim Tam Slam video (lol) on YouTube and stumbled upon itsJudysLife. This was around the time when the twins had just been born so of course being pregnant myself, I wanted to see more of what parenthood would really be like. I started watching more of her videos and found it interesting that she would record every day of her life. Then it kind of blew my mind when I realized that her children could look up what they were doing on any given day. They've literally been recorded every. single. day. since they were born! I then looked up more daily vloggers and eventually found the Shaytards, Sacconejolys, and BFvsGF. The more I watched, the more I wanted to start vlogging as soon as Cayden was here.