Creative Ruts Suck

When things like creative blocks happen.. well, it takes a damn good while to get back up from them. I used to just log into Tumblr and scroll through my dashboard and my old posts to get a glimmer of inspiration and a spark going in my brain, but then it became too overwhelming for me.

"Creativity is not a competition."

Aloha Friday

A few photos from today! It should be noted that his hair is usually really curly and poofy but today it was straight for some reason? He's also running in about 90% of photos I take of him nowadays haha.

Playing with Jello!

It feels like forever since I've posted anything on here! I just thought I'd post some photos from an activity we tried last week. All it included was Jello, and a little bag of new toy animals that he's never seen before.

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